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Bitcoin is holding above $50,000 at press time and is up about 2% over the past week. Higher price moves in cryptocurrencies have coincided with a rally in global stocks this week, signaling greater appetite for risk among investors. Ether, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, reached $4,000 on Friday for the first time since...
Hodl Hodl, a non-custodial marketplace for bitcoin peer-to-peer purchases and loans, published an update on the security issue it reported in early August. On Aug. 2, Hold Hodl reported a security issue on its platform for peer-to-peer bitcoin loans, named Lend. The team asked users to migrate their loan contracts to new escrows and get...
Hodl Hodl, a non-custodial marketplace for bitcoin peer-to-peer purchases and loans, published an update on the security issue it reported in early August. On Aug. 2, Hold Hodl reported a security issue on its platform for peer-to-peer bitcoin loans, named Lend. The team asked users to migrate their loan contracts to new escrows and get...
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